December 10, 2011Published by Julie on December 10, 2011Categories Events Gavin - Alta-Tollhaus Gavin Kira - Quellie Kirschental Maika - Maikali KirschentalHappy Birthday to Syd, Grizz and Winston!The P-kids birthday was on the 8th. Winston’s birthday is in a week or so and The Q-kids birthday is the end of the month. Our […]
December 10, 2011Published by Julie on December 10, 2011Categories Kira - Quellie KirschentalLatest in SchH Collars – put on your list!
December 1, 2011Published by Julie on December 1, 2011Categories Kira - Quellie Kirschental TrainingThe Ferrari…Barb bringing the Ferrari onto the field: Excellent job today, Barb & Syd! To switch it up a bit we had Susan work Syd: This is […]
November 28, 2011Published by Julie on November 28, 2011Categories Gavin - Alta-Tollhaus Gavin Kira - Quellie KirschentalW Litter – Warm and Well-FedW-litter (Gavin x Kira) few days old: All six of the puppies wrapped-up and tucked into Kira’s embrace.
November 26, 2011Published by Julie on November 26, 2011Categories Kira - Quellie Kirschental TrainingJust for fun…I like to think of new ways to distract the dogs while working. No big deal for Winston and excellent for Syd who was not one […]
November 24, 2011Published by Julie on November 24, 2011Categories Gavin - Alta-Tollhaus Gavin Kira - Quellie KirschentalThanksgiving PuppiesThe first boy and girl form the W Litter (Gavin – Kira) were born on the 23rd: The remainder of the pups came into this world […]
November 23, 2011Published by Julie on November 23, 2011Categories Gavin - Alta-Tollhaus Gavin Kira - Quellie KirschentalFresh From the OvenLOOOONNNNNGGGGG day. Kira’s temperature finally dropped today, which indicates delivery will be within 24 hours, I was hoping for sooner then 24 hours. Monica came over […]
November 22, 2011Published by Julie on November 22, 2011Categories Gavin - Alta-Tollhaus Gavin Kira - Quellie KirschentalFirst Look at W-LitterWell…still no action, the pups are happy hanging-out inside of Kira. Kira is miserable and wants these puppies out. She is ready and her milk is […]
November 18, 2011Published by Julie on November 18, 2011Categories Gavin - Alta-Tollhaus Gavin Kira - Quellie KirschentalHow Big is She?Oh the humiliation of it, here are the obligatory “how big is she” photos. Kira (U-CH V Quellie vom Kirschanetal SChH3 KKL1a LBZ, CD, U-RO1) is […]