February 9, 2012Published by Julie on February 9, 2012Categories IGP, IPO, SchH - Schutzhund Maika - Maikali Kirschental Training X-Box dei PrecisionQassiusAlta-Tollhaus Qassius pronounced Cassius with da daddy, Brian, working on his IPO heeling and long platz. Q-litter Xbox – Maiaka
February 8, 2012Published by Julie on February 8, 2012Categories IGP, IPO, SchH - Schutzhund TrainingBrady Feb 5, 2012Michelle with her pretty boy Brady – SG Alta-Tollhaus Epic BH (E-litter Digger Elzmündungsraum x Maika)
February 8, 2012Published by Julie on February 8, 2012Categories Gavin - Alta-Tollhaus Gavin IGP, IPO, SchH - Schutzhund Kira - Quellie Kirschental Puppy TrainingWilla’s First Session with GustavoAlta-Tollhaus Willa (w-litter Gavin x Kira) learning to fight for my ball and making myself heavy Recalls with da momma
February 8, 2012Published by Julie on February 8, 2012Categories Canis Woofus Family IGP, IPO, SchH - Schutzhund TrainingCadence Jan 29, 2012Alta-Tollhaus Cadence Monica and Verdae in the snow
February 7, 2012Published by Julie on February 7, 2012Categories IGP, IPO, SchH - Schutzhund Obedience TrainingThe Difference a Week MakesThe difference 1 week makes, Monica with Cadence at Gustavo’s for schutzhund training (IPO training?) January 29, 2012 February 5, 2012
February 7, 2012Published by Julie on February 7, 2012Categories IGP, IPO, SchH - Schutzhund Kira - Quellie Kirschental TrainingMillie Jan 2012Dale with one of his girls Alta-Tollhaus Millie. His other girls are homo sapiens, Sarah and Ameila, they are also very cute. 🙂
February 1, 2012Published by Julie on February 1, 2012Categories IGP, IPO, SchH - Schutzhund Training X-Box dei PrecisionSon-in-LawMy son-in-law, Brian is turning into a darn good dog trainer. They are on course to get their BH this year, and maybe their schH 1 […]
January 28, 2012Published by Julie on January 28, 2012Categories IGP, IPO, SchH - Schutzhund Kira - Quellie Kirschental TrainingSyd SendoutAlta-Tollhaus Prada (Cuervo x Kira)
January 23, 2012Published by Julie on January 23, 2012Categories Agility Canis Woofus Family IGP, IPO, SchH - Schutzhund Obedience Puppy TrainingVerdae, 12 Weekshttp://youtu.be/sMbufysZzhM Love, love, love this dog!