
December 27, 2007

A Chorus of Dog Whisperers

The description of the Bark Busters training was more explicit than I have seen elsewhere.

I wish after all these years I knew that dogs are simple.

A Chorus of Dog Whisperers
Finding a dog owner nursing daydreams of becoming a trainer has become about as difficult as finding a waiter with a headshot.
December 20, 2007

Got Fleas? Get the Vacuum


Got fleas? Get the vacuum

Tue Dec 18, 4:25 PM ET

Vacuum cleaners kill fleas just as well as any poison, surprised researchers said on Tuesday.

They said a standard vacuum cleaner abuses the fleas so much it kills 96 percent of adult fleas and 100 percent of younger fleas.

So no need to worry that a vacuum cleaner bag may turn into a fleabag breeding ground for the pesky, biting creatures, said Glen Needham, associate professor of entomology at Ohio State University.

From Yahoo News click here for the full story

December 11, 2007

On the Road Again

Just got news my Dad had a stroke so I am hitting the road again for a quick trip North.  If I am hard to reach this will be why. Icy conditions in Michigan but not once I get out of the state so that will be good.  Plan on driving all night or until I cna't drive any more.


November 21, 2007

It took mathematicians to come up with this?

From Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty:


The Institute of Applied Mathematics of the Russian Academy of

Sciences has hosted a conference to announce the creation of a new

academic discipline called mathematical modeling of historical

processes, "Nezavisimaya gazeta" reported on November 14. Institute

Deputy Director Georgy Malinetsky said the event was making

"mathematical history." Malinetsky said the goal of research in the

new field is to create analytical and prognostic models of social

phenomena. Conference participants predicted that a historical

catastrophe can be expected in Russia in the next decade; the country

has undergone significant catastrophes in the first two decades of

every century since the 1600s (the Time of Troubles in 1610-13, the

Great Northern War of 1708-09; the Napoleonic wars of 1812-14, and

World War I, 1914-17, and the Bolshevik revolution of 1917).

Conference participants also discussed the accelerating disintegration

of Russian models of statehood, noting that the Muscovite state lasted

600 years, the Romanov dynasty lasted 300 years, and the Soviet Union

lasted just 74 years. The mathematicians predicted that the current

phase of Russian statehood will not last longer than 30 years. RC"