
May 25, 2008

Evening Walk

An evening walk on the property. Cherry Blossum: An old doe: Dogwood blossums: Getting dark. This maybe a pregnant doe:
April 27, 2008

Snake and Tick

I saw my first garter snake of the year. I recognize her, don’t ask me how I know she is a “she” I can just tell. […]
April 25, 2008

Unusual or Not?

Not really, both species are prey-herd animals. The fawn’s mother collected her baby after the horses moved on
April 15, 2008

Van Cliburn 50th Anniversary

Just back from class, where no one ever heard of VanCliburn (mentioned it because this is the 50th anniversary of his winning the first Tschaikovsky Competition […]
April 14, 2008


Julie’s pictures of the daffodils inspired me to post this picture from last summer: