
January 9, 2008



A couple more pictures, just to prove that Bear does

lie down occasionally.  He was a very busy boy for a

couple of hours, clearly having a great time exploring

new things.  You did a marvelous job of getting him

ready to go out in the world!

He was not afraid of anything he encountered this

morning--also did very nice puppy sits (for

freeze-dried liver, of course) and a good front.

Bear is doing beautifully!

I forgot to mention--that puppy is smiling all the time!
January 9, 2008

New Student

This is to introduce Bear, who will be attending the

next Puppy-Kindergarten class.  Today was, I think,

his first day with leash and collar, so he should be

accustomed to both by the time class starts--for now

he thought the collar was itchy.  He is very bright

but has that glint in his eye--just wanted you to


Today he did his first weave pole (only one), walked

up the plank (balanced on the roll of duct tape, so it

was only about an inch off the ground), did his first

teeter (the plank with the duct tape role in the

center of the board), rolled over, and explored all

the spaces between the ring gates and the wall.  He

loved being able to do his puppy hop all across the

ring.  And he is not afraid of anything he met

today--new place, mats, metal noises, me, dried liver,

Bil-Jac treats--he thought everything was fun,

especially banging on the empty water dish in the


Lisa, when you get a chance, please tell Bear's human

how you started Ben on tracking.  This is the perfect

time for it.  Bear already knows how, but he is

finding out that humans are not nearly as smart as he


Wish I could stay here to watch him grow--by spring

break he will be an ugly teenager with a long nose.

But I want it on the record that if for any reason the

human decides that Bear is not the right dog for his

household, I will drive over immediately to get him.

Unfortunately, I don't think that is likely to

happen--the giant paws are already claiming their

territory, and he could not have found a better home.

Have a good class, and keep on reminding the human

students to play--the puppies don't need those


January 8, 2008

Pets Enjoy Healing Power of Music


At least trying this would be a pleasant experience....

Pets Enjoy Healing Power of Music - Yahoo! News


January 8, 2008

Quotes of Albert Einstein

"We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them."

"Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius -- and a lot of courage -- to move in the opposite direction."

"Imagination is more important than knowledge."

"The hardest thing in the world to understand is the income tax."

---Albert Einstein, Genius

January 8, 2008

Chicken Liver Brownies

Lee sent his favorite dog treat recipe, maybe he thought Judd needed a tried and true recipe. 

A trainer (old time akc judge) at my club used this for treats the dogs were crazy about it  < ?XML:NAMESPACE PREFIX = O />

She used chicken livers

Ps I am not a cook but have been given this time to time

Amy will follow anyone that has given this to her for days afterwards

January 7, 2008

Deuce Treats

From Judd:

I have spent the day attempting to come up with the perfect “Deuce Treat”. Oven, Dehydrator and smoker all going at once. The family just loves the stench of liver! This is what I’ve tried so far:< ?XML:NAMESPACE PREFIX = O />

  • Oatmeal Liver chip cookies
  • Dehydrated liver and salmon sticks (with garlic and aniseed)
  • Regular beef jerky w/ apples
  • Dried chicken and beef sticks
  • Liver brownies (I believe this will be a winner, just need some more work , tried two batches one with wheat flower one without – Both are too flakey)


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