
January 29, 2008

Political Animals (Yes Animals)

and why shouldn't parrots vote?

"....Just as there are myriad strategies open to the human political
animal with White House ambitions, so there are a number of nonhuman
animals that behave like textbook politicians. Researchers who study
highly gregarious and relatively brainy species like rhesus monkeys,
baboons, dolphins, sperm whales, elephants and wolves have lately
uncovered evidence that the creatures engage in extraordinarily
sophisticated forms of politicking, often across large and far-flung
social networks.

Male dolphins, for example, organize
themselves into at least three nested tiers of friends and accomplices,
said Richard C. Connor of the University of Massachusetts
at Dartmouth, rather like the way human societies are constructed of
small kin groups allied into larger tribes allied into still larger
nation-states. The dolphins maintain their alliances through
elaborately synchronized twists, leaps and spins like Blue Angel pilots
blazing their acrobatic fraternity on high.

Among elephants, it
is the females who are the born politicians, cultivating robust and
lifelong social ties with at least 100 other elephants, a task made
easier by their power to communicate infrasonically across miles of
savanna floor. Wolves, it seems, leaven their otherwise strongly
hierarchical society with occasional displays of populist umbrage, and
if a pack leader proves a too-snappish tyrant, subordinate wolves will
collude to overthrow the top cur....."

For the full editorial

January 28, 2008

Bear Watch

From Lee on first night at puppy class:

There were three children that seat in the ring during the

part Bear was very good with the children also was good with everyone

and other pups. In the subordinate part he was pushy and was a demo dog

instructor fixed that and I have homework. Overall he did very good.

January 28, 2008


Mariah is in her third week of a
basic agility class.  She loves it and is very vocal while she waits her turn. 
She gets bored with doing the same thing again and again and when they are given
the go ahead to string several obstacles together she goes as fast as she can. 
She’s one happy and tired girl when class is over.  Stu has set up a tunnel,
small vertical jump, broad jump, and pause table in the basement.  This has kept
Mariah happy in the below zero weather when the walks get shorter and

January 28, 2008

Two Proud Accomplisments

From Charlene Wiglesworth:

You’ll be so proud --- Ostara finally
pottied away from home over the weekend! I loaded her up with water and she
finally let go late on Saturday. There was much rejoicing.

and finished his NADAC versatility NATCH. This one may be his biggest title yet
and was certainly the toughest to earn. It has taken years to finish. The
versatility NATCH requires a gazillion qualifiers in Regular (the usual standard
stuff but with distance challenges and tight times), Chances (3 tests in one-
distance, directionals at distance and discriminations at distance), Jumpers
(the usual, but fast), Tunnelers (just tunnels, and fast), touch N Go (contacts
and tunnels- hard to hit the contact zones at speed), and Weavers (three sets of
12 poles with tunnels in between, also done wicked fast). “gazillion” is
actually 13 in all the classes except regular, where you need 23. Not a cheap

January 28, 2008


Maddie is good about emailing me updates on her darling little Susie, but never any pictures...FINALLY pictures have arrived of Susie.  They look like they are about a year old...but I am not complaining...so happy to finally see pictures  and check these out...already doing articles!!!!
January 28, 2008

The Darkest Evening of the Year – Dean Koontz

After you have read more then a couple of Dean Koontz's books you figure out that he manages  to incorporate a dog into each novel, sometimes even if it is only at the very end. I always liked that about his books.  You also figure out quickly he is a fan of the Golden Retriever.  This latest book features Golden Retrievers into his formula of good vs evil and the supernatural. 

This is not the edge-of-the-seat thriller that some of his books are.  As always there is some very disturbing evil all at the hands of human.  This time the supernatural forces are on the side of the good, and in the form of the dog. 

I was a bit confused about the character Theresa, a young autistic girl.  Koontz seemed to be building her up for a larger part in the story, but rather, the last we hear of her is a maybe or maybe not sighting through a window.

An entertaining book, although a tad sugary--- but then Golden Retrievers are very sweet, so what did I expect?

January 28, 2008

Police Puppy Makes Online Debut

Police puppy makes online debut

Fri Jan 25, 9:16 PM ET

LONDON (Reuters) -
Police in Scotland have set up a Web
site to allow the public to meet their newest, and cutest,
recruit as he learns how to sniff out criminals.

A six-week-old jet-black puppy with no name has been given
his own online diary as he prepares to begin his new career
with Tayside Police.

Officers said the puppy, one of a litter of seven, has
attracted huge interest since he was unveiled as the force's
latest crime-fighting weapon.

The dog's new handler, Constable Mike Keenan, said: "The
benefits of using German Shepherds are that they are generally
very loyal and hard working, as well as being intelligent."

Keenan's wife Jennifer has asked pupils from St Ninian's
Primary School in Dundee to come up with a name for the puppy.

You can follow his progress online at:

January 26, 2008

Gabe Games

From Terrence:
I have seen a lot of extraordinarily intelligent behavior in GSDs.  My old Sid was a real problem solver.  But Gabe is pretty amazing.  He has intense ball drive and we play in the house in the evening sometimes.

He taught me this game.

When he doesn't feel like chasing the ball anymore he lays down about 4 or 5 feet away from me (I am also sitting on the floor).  He lays down in a way that his left arm is away from his body (leaning his weight on his right elbow).  He has the ball in his mouth, then he places it on the carpet near or in front of his left paw, and then he knocks it over to me.  I toss it back to him, he catches it, and again, he lays it on the carpet in front of his left paw and knocks it over to me.  I did not train him to do this.  He trained me!   We have played "catch" like this dozens of times.  I have counted as many as 20 repetitions. And it is always the same; he always places it in front of his left paw and knocks it to me (and he is really accurate--only rarely does the ball not go straight to me).

My wife and I were a little startled.  I mean, this is damn near primate behavior.  Anyway it is a lot of fun and he really enjoys it.  So, you sold us a left-handed--I mean--left-pawed dog!

So what is next?  I am concerned.  In a few years, I expect the game to evolve so that HE is the one throwing the ball and I and the one retrieving it!!!!  Maybe he will learn to pat me on the head and praise me when I bring back!

Maybe its something in the water down here--lol


Terence Hartnett
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