January 5, 2008

Rally Match

We went to a rally match today in East Lansing.  I signed up twice.  The first run wasn't bad, but there were some mistakes, probably b/c I was nervous (the signs were APDT and there were a few that we never learned for AKC novice).  They were also having a horse-shoeing seminar in the same building, so there was constant noise of horses spooking, pounding on metal, a mouse was running in and out along the wall, and there was this strong burning smell.  For our second run, I tried to pretend it was a real trial (ditched the treat pouch) and we did really good, just a few slow sits and out of positions.  I asked what the AKC score would have been and the judge said about 93.  Woohoo!  I will TAKE a 93! Yeah it was only a match, but five months ago I'd never even heard of "rally"!  Here is a pic of us practicing something (leave dog, call to heel, I think):
January 5, 2008


He's gone, but he will never be forgotten.  It was very peaceful, he was a good boy right to the end, he went into a down with one command and rolled over on his side as to say okay mom I know and I don't want this to be hard for you.  Without even a sigh he just went, peacefully with what seemed to be no regret.  He trusted me that this was right...

This is how we will remember him:

Gina and George
January 4, 2008

Even Old Girls…

Can herd sheep.  I am of course talking about Jeannie, not Laura, who is the same age as me, 29.   Jeannie is being tested for herding instinct at 8 years of age. 
January 4, 2008

Michael Ellis Seminar

Michael Ellis Seminar
February 22,23,24
Adel, Iowa


FEES: $200 per dog for Friday/Saturday and Sunday (includes lunch).
Obedience only handlers will receive two obedience sessions per day. Obedience and Protection handlers will receive one obedience and one protection session per day. To observe and participate in discussions for a large part of the day, without working a dog, there is a $35/day audit fee.

Contact: Cathi Windus

January 4, 2008

Two Reviews

Yet another example of nice writing, not to mention a place worth visiting....

My Manhattan: Epiphanies in a Medieval Courtyard
The Cloisters, while barely changing at all, has changed a lot for me over the years, becoming a more complicated and contemplative experience.

It is so nice to come across someone who still reads for the sheer pleasure--and is able to share it with the rest of us.

Editorial Observer: Life, Love and the Pleasures of Literature in Barsetshire
You read Angela Thirkell’s Barsetshire novels, laughing, and want to do your best to protect her characters from any reality but their own.

January 4, 2008

Bogey Brags

Lance was not the only one racking up the wins this past weekend, brother Bogey (Vando x Chopper)  and Kim were also doing well:

CPE Agility Dexter, MI

Friday Dec 28th:
   1st Place Colors
   3rd Place Fullhouse

Saturday Dec 29th:
   1st Place Jumpers
   1st Place Standard
   2nd Place Jumpers

Congratulations Kim!

January 4, 2008

Today’s quote

This is my quote summarizes my eating plans for 2008:


the Breakfast of a King

Lunch of a Prince

and a Dinner of a Pauper
January 4, 2008

Taking a Dive?


Jan 3, 2008 - The Associated Press
Man leaps off bridge, taking police dog with him

CORONADO, Calif. — A man being chased by authorities grabbed a police dog and leaped off the San Diego-Coronado Bridge, taking the animal with him into the ocean water 200 feet below.

The fugitive survived and was in serious condition Tuesday with a collapsed lung, but the fall killed the dog.

The 27-year-old man will be charged with causing the dog's death, driving under the influence and evading police, authorities said.

The pursuit began Monday evening after an Oceanside officer saw the man driving a GMC pickup erratically. The officer, accompanied by a Belgian Malinois named Stryker, ordered the driver to stop but he refused, California Highway Patrol (CHP) Officer Larry Landeros said.

The man led police on a chase on a section of Interstate 5 and onto the bridge, where he stopped and the officer released Stryker.

"The dog actually took the driver to the ground and then [the driver] ... lifted the dog up and jumped over the side," CHP Sgt. Steven Toth said.

The man had not been identified as of late Tuesday.

January 3, 2008

Muhammad Ali

Some of my favorite quotes from Muhammad Ali:

  • Service to others is the rent we pay for a room in heaven.

  • A man who views the world the same at fifty as he did at twenty has wasted thirty years of his life. 

  • I am the greatest, I said that even before I knew I was.

  • If they can make penicillin out of mouldy bread, they can sure make something out of you.

  • It's lack of faith that makes people afraid of meeting challenges, and I believed in myself.

  • It's the repetition of affirmations that leads to belief. And once that belief becomes a deep conviction, things begin to happen.
