Mom Hannah says that Alta-Tollhaus Xander, aka Chewy just loves his carrots! What I like about these photos is that it shows the intense concentration that Chewy has while working on his prized carrots. I can see those ear muscles flexing and strengthening! Great for teething pups!
Busy little beavers! Good way to keep their little mouhts occupied. Glad that is not my beige and now orange carpet 🙂
I may try giving my girls a full carrot instead of the mini ones to see if they will eat them like a bone
Hi Hannah and Chewy!
Does Chewy like raw meaty bones? You should give them a try. They provide excellent exercise for pups. They put their entire body into the experience.
Chewy is adorable. Keep up with pictures. 🙂
Terri and Qwendi (Gavin/Inga)