A belated Happy Thanksgiving wish – computer problems.
I saw this turkey in the store and had to bring it home. When you squeeze him he says gobble gobble about 10 times. It was just too funny to pass up. I’m working on a video but my big boy is just too fast for the camera.
Digger looks like we all felt after dinner!
I just love Digger—he is such a sweet guy!
Wow, Digger has grown up so much. Love his little Tom turkey!
Looking good Digger! Very cute little Tom. Verizon sent me a monkey in the mail that screamed when you moved it…I gave it to the puppies….. it died a horrible death as it they dismembered and eviscerated it. My point is, I am glad little Tom is faring much better then the Verizon monkey.
I can’t believe Mr. Turkey is still in 1 piece. Ziva had a Mr. Bill doll that screamed “Oh No” everytime she bit him. Then he took 1 bite too many and had to go to toy heaven. Hope you and Digger had a happy thanksgiving & he got a little bit of the real thing.