Finn said to let you know that he has that trotting around in circles stuff down pat. You would have seen excellent proof of it, HOWEVER, Auntie Susan ran off to CA instead of coming to class. So no ring training pix. Instead, we moved on to other things:
“I can do this too!”
“Easy-peasy—now pay me!”
Wow, look at Finn on the big boy equipment!
Finn is georgeous-sorry Handsome. Is he really that red? Looks like you have 2 working machines Barb!
I have seen Finn in person for a while, but yes he was very deep-red color. Yes I plan on repeating this breeding January 2014.
Finn is very red and its a rich deep red chestnut. He’s a looker and got the A-T photography gene. At this age, it seems every morning I’m looking to see how his coat is changing … his little pants are starting to come in, so darn cute:) Definitely “working machine” x 2!!
Finn is a handsome hunk of a pup!