Ember, Aaron and I went to my parents’ house for a walk with my mom
and Gibbs in their woods. They have 7 acres, horses, and goats.
Ember was in awe of the horses, but wouldn’t notice the goats, even
though I tried to get her to look at them. She was too busy playing
with my parents’ other dogs, Jack and Coal. I think she has a new
boyfriend in Jack. Here are some pictures of our walk in the woods.Jennifer
Alta-Tollhaus Ember (E-litter GAvin x Bailey)
Thank you Aaron for taking the pictures!
Jennifer with her mother’s Arab/Hackney horse….sorry Jennifer I couldn’t resist! 🙂
There is one terrible thing about this picture and that is Jennifer’s gorgeous long-curly hair is hidden. Yes, I have hair envy.
Jennifer, Ember is such a little doll. How did she like exploring in the woods?
ps. nice outfit in the last picture. 😉
Ember loved walking in the woods, but she wanted to know what those “really big dogs” were doing in the woods. My mom leaves two of the horses loose in the woods because they are old and have arthrititis so when she first saw them, she was like “wow!” We walked to the neighbors and said hello, too. I wish that outfit still fit from the last picture! I looked good back then!
I’m sorry, Julie, that you have hair envy, but I appreciate the compliment!
Ember is darling! Nice looking Arab/Hackney—the Arab qualities really show through.
Thanks, Carole! She is so smart! We had to switch puppy classes because I was not happy with the trainer at the first one. She wasn’t giving us much information and she was allowing some puppies to bully others, especially the Rott that I talked about earlier, was bullying Ember. Ember started getting vocal with him and fighting back, but what concerned me was when she started running off by herself to get away, laying down on our jackets and trying to escape the enclosure. I found a different class with the person that recommended Julie, and Ember was engaged the entire play time and did not appear stressed. We were given great information and I am very happy with it. I’m glad we switched. We had another visit to the elementary school and she loved it. They were amazed at how well behaved she was. She did all her tricks for them.
Flicka, the Arab/Hackney definitely has a lot of Arab but if you see her move, you’ll see the Hackney. She was a nice pleasure horse.