JoJo (D-Litter Negus x Cadence) tolerated being under the subway tracks when a train went over…acted like nothing happened. Had fun picking the girls up from ballet. Woke up this morning very active. She is constantly at our feet. She pushes the toys away to get to our feet. Any suggestions?
After Ballet social here were about 10 people hovering around her ooing and awing. She just took it all in.
Um….Get used to it. Seriously, Roman is almost 4 and he is never more than 2 inches away from me! He really and truly is my constant companion. It gets to be challenging sometimes because he does weigh 104 lbs 🙂 But, I wouldn’t have it any other way! Also, get used to the ooing and ahhing! Jo-Jo looks like a little sweetie.
Andrea, Jo-Jo is adorable — can’t wait to see her in person! The girls seem so happy, and It appears you are doing a wonderful job of socializing. I thought of a few more things to pass on to you next time we speak.
Congratulations on your new puppy.
Cute girls, cute puppy. Keep us posted.
Now that JoJo has been with you for awhile, is she still constantly at your feet? Just curious. Duke was like that a first, but then he gradually found his “favorite spots” which btw are either at my feet under my desk while I’m working, next to his food dishes, or next to my chair in the living room. He wants to be near me, but I’m glad to see he will go off on his own from time to time.
Can’t wait to see pictures of DuKe’s sis.
Duke’s Ma, Terri