Sarah with Millie (M-litter Joker vom Eichenplatz x Kira) training for their BH and beyond. Both are intently listening to Gustavo.
I don’t know what Sarah is thinking in this picture, but my guess is she is cycling through all the instruction Gustavo just gave her.
Super heeling
Full-calm bites
That last picture of Millie looks like she’s leashed with chains! Trick photography!
beautiful, beautiful heeling — you can see the bond so clearly.
JK absolutely, the obedience on Millie is just beautiful. She is worked by both Sarah and Dale. I am especially proud of Sarah, she looks so professional and experienced. In training Gustavo uses Dale as a distraction when Sarah works Millie as Millie is soooooo in love with Dale. But Millie has learned when she is working with Sarah it doesn’t matter she has to work with Sarah and she does.
Julie is right, Millie is so very much in love with Dale. He gets quite a greeting when he gets home each night, and when he wakes up each morning, and when he goes out to get the mail, and when he goes to the bathroom, etc…
Sarah and Millie ROCK!!!
Oh Carole, you are so sweet! When are you coming back to MI?
You are both looking great Sarah. When are you going for the BH?
We have the same problem with Zeta. When we practice at home she is not too distracted, but when we are out at Gustavo’s, she is REALLY distracted by Matt. This week she was doing great and had a good strong bite, but as soon as the wind changed and she realized he was sitting there, she was more interested in him than the sleeve. Of course Gustavo got her attention back, but she loves the bitework so shouldn’t be as easily distracted.
You give me confidence she will grow out of it!