Pieka and I went tracking this weekend. It was already fairly hot and dry by 8:00 in the morning, not ideal tracking conditions. Pieka did pretty well, regardless. Her long track was 300 yards, U-shaped, food at the turns to get her to slow down a bit, article hidden in some rough growth. She didn’t track like she was on rails but still did strong work:
My face is hilarious. Pieka is VERY enthusiastic at the start of the track!
Off to a good start...
I like this picture, her nose isn't buried in the grass, but she looks intense
She's really checking it out here...
Whoops! A brief crittering detour...
Back on Track! It's interesting, I laid the track along the line I am walking. The scent drifted sideways and "caught" on the high grass. She tracked that line clearly the whole way.
Nice shot in motion, she's air scenting but that's okay for AKC
Uh....do you really want me to go in THERE after the article?
Okay, I'm going in!
I found it!
Great pictures! I am having a few issues with schutzhund tracking becauae I am so used to tracking for AKC. It is a clear example of not having any background is better. I think Pieka is simply beautiful. You keep her fur looking so perfect.