I almost need to start a separate category for Charlene and all of her wins, brags, and titles. here is the latest news from Charlene and her menagerie:
NADAC agility trial in Ohio: Schipperke Luna finished her versatility NATCH, the biggest title of her career!
GSD Ostara earned her first agility Q June 28 at NODT, 1st place Q in L1 jumpers.
Way to go Charlene!
I know Luna is a very small dog but she looks like one tough cookie! I wouldn’t mess with her!
Julie, I agree! Nice accomplishments, for sure :~) Good girl, Ostara!
I can’t believe this woman! Charlene just phoned, she and O’Stara have completed the requirements on two new titles! The CPE (Canine Performance Events) Agility titles are: CL1-H and CL1-F