I just had to write and tell you about my fabulous weekend!
Friday all three of my guys Q’ed in JWW, with Flash covering for some lousy handling on my part, and Isis turning on some impressive speed (5 seconds under time!!!). On to standard and Flash got a double Q (halfway to MACH now!). Lincoln was pitiful and opted not to do much, but Isis was really on again and ran 13 seconds under time (that is PAX leg number 3 for her now). What a hoot!
Charlene’s Isis
Saturday started with Q’s for Flash and Isis again (with that speedy basset showing up again). Lincoln was really pathetic and I pulled him. Flash ran brilliantly in his second class and double Q’ed again and even got a second place in the class (I do not expect placements with him anymore but he was really awesome). Isis slowed down to her normal speed which wasn’t enough to Q in her second run. I was bummed by that and had to remind myself that any Q with her is great, and I can’t get to expecting them too often; she is just a hound after all (Flash’s DQ really helped to lift my mood though).
Charlene’s Lincoln
Sunday- yee hah Flash ran again and sailed through JWW 7 seconds under time (he was fabulous). Lincoln ran wonderfully. Isis did a terrific job too, but was overtime (robbed!). She ended up getting a Q in her last run with a real squeaker- 50.07 seconds for SCT 50; I ran very hard to get her through it that fast. Lincoln did well again and double Q’ed; it was sooooo good to see him happy again. Flash had another good run going but I moved just a tiny bit too soon on a rear cross, and he did the cross right where I told him- in front of the jump. A sad end, but he was really fantastic all weekend.
Charlene’s Flash
Overall Flash got 5 Q’s in 6 runs with one second place, 2 double Q’s and 37 points. Isis ran with no course faults but did have time faults in two runs, so she got 4 Q’s in 6 runs, all first places for her. Lincoln Q’ed 3 of 5 runs with one double Q (I forgot to tally his points).
I could use more weekends like that.