My belated Thanksgiving post!
OK, besides all the usual stuff (house, family, job…), the doggie stuff I am thankful for…
- Julie for picking me to adopt ChopChop and helping me w/ LOTS of things.
- Everyone who raised and trained her!
- My ChopChop who is now like my right hand even though I’ve only had her for a few months (it seems like forever!).
- Coke, for being a good sport and such a perfect match for Phil and for Chopper. They now sleep back to back, play with toys together in the house, lick each others’ faces, and they can eat out of each others’ bowls (they each leave a few bites behind and then trade crates).
- My landlords for letting me have three cats and two dogs and letting us turn their property into our own personal dog park/agility course.
- My cats, who still sit on my lap even after I brought two large black faced dogs into their Kingdom against their wishes.
Thanksgiving pictures/first snow of the season
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