From Laura:
Lance and I went to Lansing yesterday and got certified for tracking, then went to the Lansing Obed Match.
I won’t put him in any tests soon, will wait until next spring. We want more mileage to get a good foundation and article indication and I need more “blind” work. His cert track was only the 4th time I had done a blind with the boy.
Meanwhile, we will continue working on our VST & TDX stuff too. Course, the boy doesn’t know the difference, in VST or TDX or TD, like Jean and Mag cause he’s started out on everything so a track is a track. My back and neck muscles are a wee bit sore this a.m. cause for some silly reason, a 1/2 hr old track is very fresh to Lance, and he just bulldozes right down the line. Must be some NASCAR blood in his system, or his Dad’s love of race cars is rubbing off on him.