December 22, 2003

New Puppy

We are back and all is well.  Pup is complaining, so

his lungs are in good shape.  He wants dinner, out,

Rafe, toys, and everything else he can see, right now.

Wish you could have seen the meeting between Rafe and

the puppy.  John carried the puppy in, Rafe sat down,

stretched his neck up, and they kissed each other.

It is raining here, so the baby will begin his

housebreaking on newspapers instead of going out and

getting wet.  He will have plenty of time to do that

later on.

Time to give the poor kid some food and let him start

getting adjusted.  He has had a lot of changes in a

short time—and so far nothing fazes him.

September 29, 2003

Fun Match

Rafe went to Omaha for the fun match, and I think I

got what I wanted. 

He had four hours of exposure to lots of new dogs, new

people, dog show sounds, other dogs working in the

ring, people dropping food all over, etc.  We had to

wait a long time--about fall show season here, so many

people were signed up--and that gave him plenty of

opportunity to get tired.

In the ring, what I got was forging and anticipation,

including anticipation on the recall.  I think I am

very happy with that.  Apart from work, he is having

fun and kissing as many people (and dogs) as possible.

 Today he got invited to go to the Montessori

pre-school for "dog month" in October.  It should be

an event.

March 4, 2003


After class this afternoon I went to pick up the

boychiks from boarding, and had a very nice surprise.

The young vet on duty (he has not treated any of my

animals as yet) came out to say what nice dogs I have

 Then he continued talking about Rafe:

great temperament, good structure, no instability,

easy to get him to do things, etc.  And he really

liked your description of Rafe as a "golden in a

shepherd suit."

February 11, 2003


Rafe says hi!  He had a nice walk, and will be ready

for dinner soon.  I think he will enjoy being an

uncle.  Of course, he enjoys everything.

Rafe discovered he could go out to get one glove and

then, if he turned properly, he could trot over to

collect another one.  We are talking about it.

More later—about time for the evening dinner and walk

