Ok I have to say this litter has me quite confused. In my head I am thinking these pups are two-weeks old, but wait, surely I am wrong and forgot about week two, because these puppies are not acting like two week old pups. They are getting out of their pen, they are wrestling and playing with each other like 3-week-old pups. Look at this their newborn puppy collars are as large as they will go and it is time to switch to the next size collar. The collar switch happens at 3-weeks of age, not 2. Julie, you need to go check the calendar, you have lost a week, these pups are surely now 3-weeks old not 2-weeks. OK, I am looking at the calendar, born September 3rd and today is September 17th…no you are not going crazy and have lost one whole week, they are only two weeks old. Dear puppy people, this is your first official warning that these pups “may” be a handful!
Yoyo with her 2-week-old beasts:
Blue-collar male:
Pink-collar long-coat female:
Lime-green collar female:
Lime-green collar female:
Camo-collar male:
Camo-collar male: