It has been a long road, but our lab is finally adjusting to Ruki. Ruki is thrilled as he absolutely adores Kipper. He hasn’t figured out Kipper is blind yet, so he often tries to get right in front of Kipper in a submissive pose and ends up getting trod upon.
This is great that they are starting to get along. You may find as he matures that we will become kippers guide dog
I have had this happen with a dog we had, and it was deaf, I always would rattle the door handle on the screen door and they knew it was time to come in. Since he had went deaf, the other dog would go out and get him, and make sure he came in. Same thing when it was time to go outside, there was no training involved, it was natural instinct.
When you take a couple minutes to really watch your dogs interact, it can tell you a lot.
Hi Lisa,
It’s great to see Azeruki and Kipper.
Dylan is adjusting to Aiden too but it has taken a while. Poor Dylan will not tell Aiden off but hates him biting his ears and tail. As Aiden is getting less “bitey” Dylan is interacting with him more.
How old is Kipper?
Ruki looks super.
Ruki will figure out that Kipper is blind…eventually.
Labs and GSD seem to make a good pair.
They sure do!!
Libby is younger (1 1/2 yrs) and she tolerated quite a bit from Ziva. At 5 months now though Ziva’s “puppy pass” has expired and Libby has been telling her off. A few days of shock from Ziva, but the lessons have been learned and she is much more considerate of her big sister making it more peaceful for all 🙂
Yep, Rukie will figure it and then become Kipper’s guide dog.