Disclaimer: I am not a DVM, this is what I use for my own dogs. This is not what my husband uses for his dogs.
For very accurate dosing of ivermectin:
Take cattle (1%) Ivormectin (normal not the Plus). To get the correct dose for your dog(s) mix 1ml of 1% Ivormectin and 9 ml ofpropylene glycol. To get your dogs dose of the solution it is: Dog’s Weight x 2.72 ÷ 1000 = ____ ml.
1% ivermectin solution is the same as 0.01 g/mL or 10,000 mcg/mL (where mcg is micrograms).
A 0.08% ivermectin solution is 0.0008 g/mL or 800 mcg/mL.
If you only have a few dogs then an easier method is to use 1.87% ivermectin paste. Squeeze out an amount equal in size to a garden pea. Smear it on the roof of your dogs mouth or the back of their tongue. This amount is good for up to 100 pounds of dog. If you your dog weighs less then this then they get a little extra worming benefit but not enough to overdose them. I would not use this method for dogs under 60 pounds. Ivermectin is fat soluble so if they get too much it can be toxic. Ivermectin works “backwards” meaning it kills heartworm larvae that have developed in the last 30 days. I would give this all year. If you miss a dose or two it is best to resume as soon as posible, unless you suspect your dog is heartworm positive, in that case please see your DVM. If too many larval worms die at once it can cause a shock-like circulatory reaction to your dog.
I have used Zimecterin on my GSDs since 1989. It was recommended by my vet in CA. Except Kayla & Garbo, who have been using Interceptor. My vets no longer carry Interceptor since they are now pushing Trifexis, which is a product that I will not use. I guess when I run out of Interceptor, Kayla & Garbo will be switching to Zimecterin.
Thank you, Julie.
I use the cattle ivermectin. I don’t dilute but have an accurate dosing equation I got with the help of a chemistry professor (however it won’t work on puppies and small dogs unless diluted, too hard to dose accurately for small dogs without dilution). I actually dose 8 times stronger than a Heartgard tablet. The commercially available tablets now contain very low doses to avoid killing dogs with MDR-1 mutation but in some cases do not prevent heartworm so I use a higher dose (which is still tens even a hundred times less potent than a daily dose for treating mange….ivermectin is used for a variety of things and can be used with a humungous range in dosage). $35/yr covers heartworm preventative year round for all my dogs. When the bottle expires after a year I still have half left, so I imagine it would still only cost $35/yr if I had 6-7 large dogs.
I just found out that Costco sells Interceptor for less than 30 bucks for 6 months supply! I paid $62 at the Vets just a week before finding this out. bummer.