Karen what are your thoughts on Best Breed dog food?
Best Breed:
So the first thing that sticks out is the “Bisulfate is a source of Vitamin K” known as different names below. BAD stuff!
Strike 1! Menadione Sodium Bisulfite Complex: synthetic vitamin K: Also termed as “menadione”, ‘sodium bisulfate’, “K-3”:Hazard information regarding menadione lists “carcinogenic effects” and states “the substance is toxic to kidneys, lungs, liver, mucous membranes. Repeated or prolonged exposure to the substance can produce target organs damage.” http://www.sciencelab.com/xMSDS-Menadione sodium bisulfite-9924604 Now, you and I change foods, but most pet parents feed the same food day in and day out.
More information on menadione sodium bisulfate and pets can be read at http://www.dogfoodproject.com/index.php?page=menadione.
Strike 2 is the Canola (hazards on previous email). Again, feeding every day. Pets get a buildup in their systems.
Strike 3 is copper sulfate. We use it in our pond at home for algae control.. When you look up “copper” there are 3 forms of copper that are used. Copper Sulfate: the first uses of it are for a herbicide, pesticide, and fungicide. Copper sulfate was also used in the past as an emetic (a substance to make you vomit). It is now considered too toxic for this use.
Copper Gluconate states: vital mineral for body function if taken in correct dosage. I’d rather see this in the food.
Copper Picolinate states: a trace element needed to support nerve function and help the body use iron. It is important to a number of enzyme systems, and helps produce energy. Even treats food sensitivities.
Also this is how Richard Patton, Ph.D., Animal Nutritionist from K9Kraving answered my question as to why they used the copper sulfate instead of the 2 other he said: “You are also correct that proteinates are good sources of certain trace minerals, but they are quite expensive. When formulating, you have to balance many competing forces: providing the best nutrition, keeping the cost manageable and meeting regulatory requirements.”
Strike 4: Fish: Farm raised and if they are not purchasing from the vendor at port AND if they do not have a signed agreement with that vendor that states exactly what they are to preserve the fish with at sea…..it would be ethoxyquin. No mention of that on the site, only in one spot says naturally but “not at sea” so therein lies the gray area of deceit in some companies: The feed is one source of the toxins found in farm-raised fish. Farmed fish are fed pellets of food composed of ground-up fish remains, PCBs and antibiotics. PCBs, or polychlorinated biphenyls, do not occur naturally in the environment and are toxic. They are found in high concentrations in most of the feed given to farmed fish. According to CNN Health, the farmed fish in the United States contain high amounts of PCBs.
Further, farm-raised fish contain considerable amounts of antibiotics. The farmed fish are given these antibiotics to combat the high prevalence of disease that results from the unsanitary and crowded conditions in which they are raised.
Read more: http://www.livestrong.com/article/390598-health-hazards-of-farm-raised-fish/#ixzz1gXo66oTM
“German Formula”
Strike 5: Beet Pulp is the 3rd ingredient…..cheap filler.
Strike 6: not another meat product until #10 except for egg product is #6 but doesn’t name the fowl type.
Brewers Dried Yeast could be a problem for some dogs.
That’s a lot of strikes! Just one of those strikes would be enough to deter me.
Karen, do you recommend K9 Kravings? They are local, and seem to make good food. Some of their blends have a higher fat content than what Dr. Becker recommends, but overall they seem like a reputable company.
Hi JK,
Yes, do watch the fat content of whatever you decide to purchase as the number of calories that fat adds could potentially add one pound per week to your dogs weight! Becker’s diet may look a little daunting at first, but once you make it once or twice, it becomes old hat! You will know exactly what your pup is getting!
When I was reading their material I thought…this is a great company! Then I went to the ingredients and there it was……..Copper Sulfate! That is when I email K9 and asked why they started with such a great product and then decided to add the CS. In the post attached to this, is what Richard Patton, Ph.D., Animal Nutritionist from K9Kraving told me!
Here are a few to look at:
*Darwins http://www.darwinspet.com (delivered to your home) Dr. Becker consulted on this one!
*Steve’s Real Food http://stevesrealfood.com This company actually lists the name and addressed of the suppliers they purchase from!!!
Stella & Chewy’s http://www.stellasandchewys.com
Bravo http://www.bravorawdiet.com/
Aunt Jeni’s http://www.auntjeni.com
Hope this helps! Let me know if there are any other brands in your area and I’ll research them for you! 🙂
I tried Aunt Jeni and Bravo, both are good food.