Is this Barb’s leopard skin compact and hand-made brush?
No, it belongs to Sydney! It is stored inside her training bag. Now please explain to me why they do not call this dog Prada?
The Party Girls both have a very good sense of humor and are good sports about all of my teasing and tormenting. Most of us just carry our dog brush in our training bag. When the leopard skin compact was pulled out it just cracked us up.
A princess deserves to be pampered…
Too funny! But don’t we all have a little purse like that for our pups? Odin did not have that handmade brush, just a slicker.
That last pic cracks me up! Look at Syd’s face, I guess Barb is at the right spot. 😀
Prada all the way…look at her look at she knows that is her bag too. I am starting to see why these dogs always look so nice…handmade brush you say?
Yes, Syd definitely knew that was “her bag.”
Libby can never see this–her brushes are handme downs from the feed store..
She LOVES attention, and is so affectionate -or- biting your ankles …one or the other LOL. The brush was a gift years ago from my sister-in-law’s father. He was a brush maker in Germany before moving to this country. Monty stole the rubber jelly brush, and I grabbed this one day…now it belongs to Sydney:)
I am surprised no one noticed that I am soaked in this picture…Sydney took a little water break and dunked her entire head in the bucket, rolled her face in the dirt, repeat then dried her face between my legs!!
I actually thought maybe Carole had scared you. LOL
LMAO — so true..when I first met Carole I thought she was retired drill sergeant the way she barks orders!!!!!
LOLOL! Hey, whatever works. I use the Koehler method on the people and then I’m very kind to the dogs. Now, Mr. Smarty Pants—go look that one up! 😉
Wow Carole, you must be older than dirt!!!! The Koehler method-yank and crank em!!!! I must say however that when you talented dogs, you don’t want the owner holding them back-so you must get their attention. How come we don’t see the pics of you training the owners. LOL
can’t—you saw Barb’s pants…
What a character! I love the last picture, very comical. I have to give my vote for the Prada girl! lol
You guys crack me up! Carole – I need you up here to get Miss Zeta to stack correctly. You seem to have it down!!!!
@Barb Can we use you for the official groomer of our puppies at the Canadian show??