From Deeanne about her XBox – Allie puppy.
She is very observant and loves to just watch things and she does really love other people and dogs. I introduced her to a couple of our neighbor’s horses this week and she did not show any fear and did go up to the fence to get a closer look with out barking or cowering which was great!!!! She is a good eater and just has a really sweet disposition. She loves to chase the leaves blowing across our yard.
She seems to be very easily distracted so I am working on the “watch me” command as well. We are having a lot of fun with her and I hope to take her either to the park today or to a family gathering we are going to later this evening. She loves getting out & about. The puppy class we are going to is part of the AKC Star program and they tell me they can attach this certification to her registration with the AKC.
I wanted to touch base with you and let you know Skyler is doing really well and that we love her very much!!!!!
Deeanne, congratulations on your new pup. The second photo is just too cute! You dog has the patience of a saint—let see how long the muzzle chewing is allowed to continue.
Nice pictures…keep them coming!
Love the photos. Skyler is a cutie. Is your Dane still as tolerant?