I was the lucky person to walk-away with these crocheted pieces from the office Christmas white-elephant gift exchange. My instant reaction was they would make excellent dog toys. My boss, whether he was sincere or just messing with me, made me feel horribly guilty about giving them to my dogs. So here it is mid-January and after many unsuccessful attempts to find a home for new friends, I decided their fate. I photographed them so that they can live forever in cyper-space and then sacrificed to whims of little baby puppy teeth.
Ha! Julie, this is very funny. Are the “toys” completely dead yet?
Hee hee I think they make awesome puppy toys and so do the puppies from the looks of things! Gosh now I need some puppy breath!
Oh my! Not sure if your boss is male or female, but Matt said “What if Julie’s boss’ wife was the one that chrocheted them and knew how long they took to make?” How are the “toys” looking now? I think I can market them – they look like they will hold up longer than some of the plush dog toys I sell!
They were made by a friend of my other boss and given to him. He displayed them once and then had them in storage for 20 years before resurfacing to become my white-elephant gift. So no worries that they crocheted by the big-boss’ wife! You are right Andrea they are holding up perfectly.