Quotes from friends.
“Now I remember why trying to keep everyone happy does not work. Everyone just gets mad about something else.” Danny Spritler
“Halloween is the ultimate liberal holiday…..knocking on doors and begging for free handouts.” Rita Schwimer
“I can only please one person a day.. today is not your day! Tomorrow doesn’t look good either.” Karen Priest
I am thinking of starting a section on the blog about the more “interesting” people and things that these people say when they call. The problem is no one would believe it was true. Heck, I am sitting on the phone listening and I don’t believe what I am hearing. All I can think is “are you serious????” but I don’t say it because clearly they are being serious…..
Do you think it is selfish of me if I only give my time to helping people who have already done a little work educating themselves first?
Julie I have a word file at work where I copy and past the most ridiculous e-mails, or write out strange, absurd, or hilarious comments. Another colleague has a “wall of shame” where he prints out and hangs the e-mails.