
March 7, 2009

A beautiful day in Ohio

It was absolutely gorgeous in Columbus today.  Low 70’s, slightly cloudy…but no rain, no snow, and no freezing wind!  Pieka took advantage of it.  She got […]
January 5, 2009


Two weeks old Gorbi and allie pups. Rotund green-collar boy: Caisson wants to know when they are going to start doing something other then eating and […]
January 5, 2009

We Have Names

The experiment with the two “C” names, Chelsea and Chuey,  was met with much disdain. So the search was on again.  After a 4 hour name-storming, […]
December 27, 2008

Kodiak Update

We have heard from Leader Dog that Kodiak has passed his physical with no problems. Should hear from them in the next couple of weeks, I […]