Good Shepherd Farm

March 15, 2008

Simply Perfect

  Between a rock and a . . . . .


Margot said she is proofing my sit stay but all I know is that my
butt's getting cold!

     Gentle Johnny Angel
Champion field mouse hunter in

The end of a perfect
February 22, 2008


Chevy and I finished our heeling class last night.  We are both better 

heelers now than we were six weeks ago. YEA!

P.S.  In case I haven't mentioned it before, thanks for the smartest, 

sweetest dog - my Chevy, and, of course, my darling

boys, too!

Sometimes, I want to pinch myself to see if it's  just a 

dream, to be so incredibly blessed to have not just one, but three 

perfect  shepherd pals from your kennel and to enjoy and cherish your 

friendship , too - how lucky can one girl get?!

February 22, 2008

Johnny Angel

Here is a sweet story about Johnny Angel that I wanted to share.

We went for a walk today ( all 8 dogs) when I heard distress barking 

coming from some distance, counted heads and went back to look for 

thirteen year old Bubba who was missing.  Johnny Angel ran ahead of me 

and disappeared behind a huge Norway spruce.  When I got to Bubba, he 

was splayed out on a patch of ice and could not get up.  Johnny Angel 

was enthusiastically kissing and licking Bubbba's face and lips as 

though to say "Buck up Bubba - Margot's coming to  help you up!"

Later today, we went for another walk and Johnny Angel divided his 

time between running ahead with the other young dogs and running back 

to Bubba ,who always trails behind us about 200 feet, to kiss and lick 

him.   I do not think I have ever seen more sensitive and solicitous 

dogs than the german shepherd breed.  Johnny Angel is well named and a 

prime example of

this particularly endearing trait.

Just look at those eyes!